Is There a Relationship Between High Fructose Diets in Infancy and Executive Function Deficits in Ad
While putting together a workshop on executive functions for teachers and parents, I came across studies that examine brain development...
How Long Should an Adult Child Continue to Live At His/Her Parent's Home?
Have you ever seen the Youtube video of the Barnacle gosling that dives 400 ft off its nest that rests on a cliff, in order to find safer...

When Giving Up is Against Your Best Interest
Frederick Douglass held the value that one's life without struggle produces no worthwhile growth. His value led to his belief that there...
What Many Fail to Consider When Thinking How the VA Needs to Improve
Veterans have historically been disappointed with the medical services administered by the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA), and...

The Development of Self: Playing the Long Game
Is the self really a matter of perspective? I was listening to a motivational speaker make an analogy of the glass with water. When the...
Community and Police Involvement: What Can Be Done?
On my typical walk this early morning, in the dim light of a rising sun, a police officer drove up to me. I wasn't concerned because...
Beginning My Year By Trimming Toward Personal Perfection
My recent birthday brought back to mind a few personal considerations. After graduating from the University of Notre Dame and at the age...
On Freedom: Part Three
This is the third installment for the “On Freedom” series. I had touched upon themes in the previous two videos related to freedom from...

Domestic Violence: A Community Concern
(Re-submitted due to a recent event death in my community) A typical reaction to the knowledge of a domestic violence incident was either...
An Argument Against Suicide
The following are thoughts about suicide. Albert Camus once famously said that he wondered not why people committed suicide, but why...